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Дядюшка Сэм сообщает:

Работает проверка заявок DV-2024, принятых осенью 2022 года

Интервью победителей DV-2024 — с 01.10.2023 до 30.09.2024

Регистрация заявок DV-2025 — с 4 октября по 7 ноября 2023 года

Проверка результатов DV-2025 — с 4 мая 2024 года


Мы помогаем принять участие в лотерее.

Платная услуга от частной компании

Интервью победителей

Октябрь 2023: 4500

Сентябрь 2023: 32000

Август 2023: 32000

Если ли я выиграю green card, например, в этом году, могу ли я уехать через 6 лет, т.к. мне необходимо закончить ВУЗ в Беларуси? Будет ли действительна карта в течение этого срока?

Еще 1037 вопросов » Ответы 2

Центр Грин Кард

ул. Октябрьская, 5, офис 108
Минск, Беларусь

тел. в офисе (017) 327-77-55

e-mail: info@greencard.by

полная контактная информация

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Помогите найти работу! Как и где ее искать?
Я бы посоветовала найти агенства по трудоустройству они реально помогают устроится на нормальные места. Смотря какую работу хотите делать. Я обычно нахожу эти агенства через Craigslist они делают апдэйт на этом сайте когда у них есть вакансии. Или даже можете идти прямиком в агенства они помогут без проблем.
Брак с GC holder
У меня подруга вышла замуж в своей стране за гражданина Америки так она ждёт уже год, за Грин кард Холдерманом как знаю ждут 2 года.
15 апреля ежегодно - окончательная дата подачи налоговой декларации в США, Как подготовить и где зафайлить Income Tax Return
В каждом штате IRS имет точки где работают волунтеры помогают с заполнением форм бесплатно и ненадо парится или платить всяким помошникам по 300-400$ низашто. лично сама заполнила с ними ни цента не платила, ретурн деньги уже получила через неделю. Сделайте серч на гугле ""Fre Tax preparation in.....ваш город. потом свой зип код и все места выходят. только смотрите чтобы это было The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program

Find a VITA or TCE Site Near You
VITA and TCE sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls and other convenient locations across the country. To locate the nearest VITA or TCE site near you, use the VITA Locator Tool or call 800-906-9887.
When looking for a TCE site keep in mind that a majority of the TCE sites are operated by the AARP Foundation’s Tax Aide program. To locate the nearest AARP TCE Tax-Aide site between January and April use the AARP Site Locator Tool or call 888-227-7669.
At select tax sites, taxpayers also have an option to prepare their own basic federal and state tax return for free using Web-based tax preparation software with an IRS-certified volunteer to help guide you through the process. This option is only available at locations that list “Self-Prep” in the site listing.
Трамп - президент. Каких перемен ожидать?

Предсказания о Дональде Трампе от Нострадамуса и Ванги
Трамп - президент. Каких перемен ожидать?
Azoid пишет:
Трамп не враг своей стране, ничего он не отменит, только нелегалов прижучит, нам это только на руку.

Давно надо было это сделать.

Я не говорю что он враг. а как они будут ловить нелегалов их же толпами и миллионы не только в Нью Йорке, Калифорнии и Чикаго но и в других штатах.
Трамп - президент. Каких перемен ожидать?
он уже начал прикрывать лавку, подписал договор о том чтобы не брать иммигрантов из определенных стран. кто его знает может и отменит закон о получении гражданства.
Сколько денег нужно на первое время?
Lord_Ehrgeiz пишет:
Если не секрет, можно поинтересоваться, что по-Вашему съело большую часть денежной массы??

если честно сама не знаю но деньги как были так и ушли.
Сколько денег нужно на первое время?
Когда я приехала у меня было всего 6000$ и то с трудом хватило никакой помощи от государства не получила и не получаюю
Об именах. А как вы представляетесь американцам?, Использование своего имени в Америке, сокращения имён.
Да уж больная тема.. Они ужасно произносят мое имя, так что уже представляюсь легким для них произношением именем не говоря о реальном имени. Вот называют кто Лола кто Нора... И имя поменяли уже 😂
Отличная профессия!, Для имеющих доброе сердце, твёрдую руку и зоркий глаз.
Интересная тема, последнее время рассматриваются варианты проффесий и никак не могу решится что же выбрать. Вчера нашла программу которая длится 1 год это на Фельдшера учится. По окончанию Сертификат выдается. Но опять же это медицина, да ещё и на английском. Низнаю потянули эту программу :\ Никак не могу разобраться с проффесией. Хочется что то что бы быстро окончить и начать работать по проффесии. Вот такой вот длинный список проффесий но никак не могу определится. Спину ссылку тоже там можно посмотреть и какие уроки нужно проходить для каждой проффесии. Вот ссылка: http://www.sinclair.edu/explore/
Accounting (ACC)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Acting—Associate of Arts
Activity Programming—Short Term Certificate (available online)
Advanced Technical Intelligence—Associate of Technical Studies, Short Term Certificate
Advertising Art—Associate of Applied Science
African-American Studies (AFR)—Short Term Certificate
Aircraft Dispatcher—Short Term Certificate
Airframe Aviation Maintenance—Certificate
Airline Flight Attendant—Short Term Certificate
Allied Health (ALH)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
American Sign Language (ASL)—Associate of Applied Science
Appalachian Studies—Short Term Certificate
Architectural Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Arts Management—Short Term Certificate
Art (ART)—Associate of Arts, Short Term Certificate
Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts—(available online)
Associate of Individualized Study
Associate of Science in Liberal Arts—(available online)
Associate of Technical Studies
Automation and Control Technology—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Automation and Control Technology with Robotics—Associate of Applied Science
Automotive High Performance—Short Term Certificate
Automotive Technology (AUT)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Aviation Maintenance—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Aviation Technology (AVT)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Bakery and Pastry Arts—Associate of Applied Science
Bakery Specialist—Short Term Certificate
Basic Drawing—Short Term Certificate
Biology (BIO)—Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Science
Biotechnology—Associate of Applied Science
Business Administration—Associate of Science (available online)
Business Information Systems (BIS)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Business Operations System Support (BOSS)—Short Term Certificate
Business Management—Associate of Applied Science (available online), Certificate (available online)
Business Management/Digital Marketing—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Business Transfer—Certificate (available online)
Chemical Dependency Counseling—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Chemistry (CHE)—Associate of Science
Chrysler Automotive Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Civil Architectural Technology (CAT)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Civil Engineering Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Clinical Laboratory Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Clinical Phlebotomy—Short Term Certificate
Coaching, Athletics—Short Term Certificate
Commercial Art—Associate of Applied Science
Communication (COM)—Associate of Arts (available online), Short Term Certificate
Communication Studies—Associate of Arts (available online)
Community and Urban Horticulture—Short Term Certificate
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Computer Engineering—Associate of Applied Science
Computer Information Systems (CIS)—Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Technical Studies, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Technology—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Computer Programming—Short Term Certificate
Construction Design Technician—Short Term Certificate
Construction Management Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Construction Supervisor—Short Term Certificate
Construction Apprentice—Short Term Certificate
Continuous Process Improvement—Short Term Certificate
Cooking—Associate of Applied Science
Corrections—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Counseling, Chemical Dependency—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Creative Writing—Associate of Arts
Crime Mapping—Short Term Certificate
Criminal Justice Science (CJS)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Culinary Arts—Associate of Applied Science
Cyber Investigation and Computer Forensics—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Data Analytics—Certificate
Deaf Studies—Associate of Applied Science
Dental Auxiliaries, Expanded Functions—Short Term Certificate
Dental Health Sciences (DEH)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Dental Hygiene—Associate of Applied Science
Design, Interior—Associate of Applied Science
Design, Graphic—Associate of Applied Science
Dietary Manager—Short Term Certificate
Dietetic Technician—Associate of Applied Science
Dietetics Technology (DIT)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Digital Marketing—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Digital Systems—Short Term Certificate
Drafting and Design—Short Term Certificate
Drama—Associate of Arts
Drawing, Basic—Short Term Certificate
Education, Early Childhood—Associate of Applied Science
Electrical Construction—Short Term Certificate
Electrical Trades—Associate of Technical Studies
Electrocardiography—Short Term Certificate
Electronics Engineering Technology (EET)—Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Technical Studies, Short Term Certificate
Emergency Medical Responder—Short Term Certificate
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Emergency Medical Technician—Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Energy Management Technology—Associate of Technical Studies
Energy Technology—Short Term Certificate
Engineering Technology Design (ETD)—Associate of Technical Studies, Short Term Certificate
Engineering, University Transfer—Associate of Science
English—Associate of Arts
Entrepreneurship—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Environmental Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Event and Meeting Planning—Associate of Applied Science
Exercise Science—Associate of Applied Science
Exercise Specialist—Short Term Certificate
Exercise, Wellness and Sport Science (EWS)—Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts, Short Term Certificate
Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliaries—Short Term Certificate
Facilities Management—Short Term Certificate
Family Advocate—Short Term Certificate
Fast-Track Programming—Short Term Certificate
Financial Accounting—Associate of Applied Science
Fire Engineering Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Fire Science, Emergency Medical Services—Associate of Applied Science
Fire Science Technology (FST)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Fire Department Officers and Firefighters—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Fire Administration—Associate of Applied Science
Flight Attendant, Airline—Short Term Certificate
Food Service Management—Certificate
Ford Maintenance and Light Repair—Short Term Certificate
Foreign Languages—Associate of Arts
French—Associate of Arts
Geographic Information Systems—Short Term Certificate
Geography (GEO)—Associate of Arts, Short Term Certificate
Geospatial Technology Programming—Short Term Certificate
German—Associate of Arts
GM Automotive Technology—Associate of Applied Science
Graphic Design—Associate of Applied Science
Health Information Management (HIM)—Associate of Applied Science (available online), Short Term Certificate
Health Information Technology—Associate of Technical Studies
Health Sciences—Associate of Applied Science
Healthcare Navigator—Short Term Certificate
Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVA)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
History (HIS)—Associate of Arts (available online with advisor permission)
Homeland Security—Short Term Certificate
Honda Automotive Technology—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Hospitality Management and Tourism (HMT)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Hotel Lodging—Associate of Applied Science
Hospitality Reception and Service Specialist—Short Term Certificate
Human Resource Management—Short Term Certificate
Industrial Engineering—Associate of Applied Science
Industrial Fire Protection Technician—Short Term Certificate
Industrial Maintenance Technician—Short Term Certificate
Industrial Robot Technician—Short Term Certificate
Information Processing—Certificate
Information Systems Security—Short Term Certificate
Intelligence, Advanced Technical—Associate of Technical Studies, Short Term Certificate
Interior Design (IND)—Associate of Applied Science
Interpreting for the Deaf (ASL)—Associate for Applied Science
IT Fundamentals—Short Term Certificate
Journalism, Multimedia—Associate of Arts
Languages, Modern (French, German, Spanish)—Associate of Arts
Law Enforcement—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Linux Security and Networking—Short Term Certificate
Lodging—Associate of Applied Science
Machining—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Maintenance, Aviation Technology—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Maintenance Technician, Industrial—Short Term Certificate
Management—Associate of Applied Science (available online), Associate of Science, Certificate (available online), Short Term Certificate
Management, Arts—Short Term Certificate
Management, Construction—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Management, Health Information—Associate of Applied Science (available online), Short Term Certificate
Management, Manufacturing—Short Term Certificate
Management, Supply Chain—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Manufacturing, Computer Aided—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Manufacturing—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Marketing, Digital (MRK)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Mathematics (MAT)—Associate of Science
Measurement and Calibration—Short Term Certificate
Mechanical Engineering Technology (MET)—Associate of Applied Science
Medical Assistant Technology (MAS)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Medical Coding and Billing—Short Term Certificate (available online)
Medical Office—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate
Medical Office Receptionist—Short Term Certificate
Meeting and Event Planning—Associate of Applied Science
Mental Health Technology (MHT)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate—Short Term Certificate
Microsoft Security Specialist—Associate of Applied Science
Modern Languages—Associate of Arts
Multimedia Journalism—Associate of Arts
Music (MUS)—Associate of Arts
Network Engineering—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Nurse Aide Training—Short Term Certificate
Nursing—Associate of Applied Science
Nutritional/Dietary Management—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Occupational Therapy Assistant—Associate of Applied Science
Ohio Peace Officer Basic Training Academy—Short Term Certificate
Ohio Real Estate Sales Associate—Short Term Certificate
Operations Technology (OPT)—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Paralegal—Associate of Applied Science
Party/Event Planning—Associate of Applied Science
Performance, Music—Associate of Arts
Performance, Theatre—Associate of Arts
Personal Computer Applications—Associate of Applied Science
Personal Computers in Business—Certificate
Pharmacy Technician—Short Term Certificate (available online)
Phlebotomy, Clinical—Short Term Certificate
Photography/Photographic Technology—Short Term Certificate
Physical Education—Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Arts, Short Term Certificate
Physical Therapist Assistant—Associate of Applied Science
Pilot, Airline—Associate of Applied Science
Police—Associate of Applied Science, Certificate, Short Term Certificate
Political Science—Associate of Arts
Powerplant Aviation Maintenance—Short Term Certificate
Precision Machining—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Process Improvement—Short Term Certificate
Professional Communication—Short Term Certificate
Professional Firefighter—Short Term Certificate
Professional Pilot—Associate of Applied Science
Professional Writing—Short Term Certificate
Programming—Short Term Certificate
Programming, Software Development—Associate of Applied Science
Programming, Web Development—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Project STEP II—Certificate
Property Management/Real Estate—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Psychology—Associate of Arts (available online)
Quality Control Technology—Certificate
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)—Short Term Certificate
Radiologic Technology (RAT)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Real Estate (RES)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Receptionist, Medical Office—Short Term Certificate
Reimbursement Specialist—Short Term Certificate
Residential Technician—Short Term Certificate
Respiratory Care (RET)—Associate of Applied Science
Robotics (Automation and Control Technology)—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Secure System Administration—Associate of Applied Science
Security, Computer Systems—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Social Service—Short Term Certificate
Social Work (SWK)—Associate of Arts
Sociology (SOC)—Associate of Arts, Short Term Certificate
Software Applications—Short Term Certificate (available online)
Software Development—Associate of Applied Science
Spanish—Associate of Arts
Special Medical Imaging—Short Term Certificate
Specimen Processing—Short Term Certificate
Substance Abuse Counseling—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Supervisory Skills—Short Term Certificate (available online)
Supply Chain Management—Associate of Applied Science (available online), Certificate (available online)
Surgical Technology—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Tax Practitioner, Accounting—Short Term Certificate
Theatre (THE)—Associate of Arts
Theatre Performance—Associate of Arts
Theatre Technology—Associate of Arts
Therapy Assistant, Occupational—Associate of Applied Science
Therapist Assistant, Physical—Associate of Applied Science
Tissue Banking Technology—Short Term Certificate
Tourism—Associate of Applied Science
UAS Precision Agriculture—Short Term Certificate
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)—Short Term Certificate
User Support, Computer Information Systems—Associate of Applied Science
Veterinary Technology (VET)—Associate of Applied Science
Visual Communications (VIS)—Associate of Applied Science
Water Utility Technician—Certificate
Web Development and Programming—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
Writing, Creative—Associate of Arts
X-Ray Technology—Associate of Applied Science, Short Term Certificate
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