(b) Communicable disease of public health significance. Any of the following diseases:
(1) Communicable diseases as listed in a Presidential Executive Order, as provided under Section 361(b) of the Public Health Service Act. The current revised list of quarantinable communicable diseases is available at http://www.cdc.gov and http://www.archives.gov/federal-register.
(2) Communicable diseases that may pose a public health emergency of international concern if it meets one or more of the factors listed in § 34.3(d) and for which the Director has determined a threat exists for importation into the United States, and such disease may potentially affect the health of the American public. The determination will be made consistent with criteria established in Annex 2 of the International Health Regulations (http://www.who.int/csr/ihr/en/), as adopted by the Fifty-Eighth World Health Assembly in 2005, and as entered into effect in the United States in July 2007, subject to the U.S. Government's reservation and understandings:
(i) Any of the communicable diseases for which a single case requires notification to the World Health Organization (WHO) as an event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern, or
(ii) Any other communicable disease the occurrence of which requires notification to the WHO as an event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern. HHS/CDC's determinations will be announced by notice in the Federal Register.
(3) Gonorrhea.
(4) Hansen's disease, infectious.
(5) Syphilis, infectious.
(6) Tuberculosis, active.
Получается на сегодняшний день только эти болезни могут быть причиной отказа в визе? Или есть ещё какие-то?